Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Gift of Choice - "Workplace Recognition"

Savvy businesspeople acknowledge those who contribute to a company's success. Remembering them with something special - something unique - shows they are truly valued individuals.

How can I use this Gift of Choice Ribbon program help my business to increase revenues and attract and retain customers?

The Gift of Choice concept has always been showing appreciation and recognition to deserving people. It is certainly not a new idea to salute accomplishments. Every management manual stresses the value of praise. It’s definitely not difficult to say the right word or two at the right moment that can make all the difference in a person’s day... or a person’s life. Make it a habit to show appreciation and recognition and see what happens. In no time at all, others will be praising, appreciating and recognizing you, too.

The Gift of Choice Ribbon program currently offers 19 different gift books to choose from, in an assortment of themes and in the price range from $25 to $750. The Gift of Choice program is flexible enough to meet your business and personal budget and suited for fitting into the particular occasion. Sales incentives, employee rewards and gifts, incentives are gaining popularity for increasing productivity, gaining customer loyalty and improving employee morale. Choose albums to express gratitude, give recognition, and show appreciation to those who help generate profits.

"Did you know that people who are offered tangible incentives – above and beyond regular pay – improve their productivity by a dramatic 27%?

[source: Incentive Magazine]

Employees enjoy receiving acknowledgement, and report being motivated when using such a non-monetary award to improve their performance. Incentive programs like The Gift of Choice provide the recipients with a feeling of pride, and can help promote an environment of cooperative teamwork that can energize a business by energizing its people.

And, as we all know, "Happy employees create happy customers!"

The Gift of Choice Ribbon Gift Collection gift books are a valuable asset and we will be very happy to customize an incentive or loyalty program to meet your business needs.

To view all individual Gift of Choice Ribbon Gift Collection gift books, with very affordable prices, plus you can also order them online, please check out this site:

To redeem your gift online go to:, and enter the redemption number on the back of the Gift of Choice gift card, make your selection, and complete the form. Your Gift of Choice gift will be shipped, FREE, directly to you. There has never been anything quite like it in gift-giving before.

-- "Never Going Back To OK"

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